
Really saddened to hear of the death of one of the test pilots flying Virgin Galactics SpaceShip2 which suffered a catastrophic system failure over the Mojave desert today. I was ironically in the air in a heli relatively nearby at the time. It has been a real honour to work with Virgin Galactic on this space programme, the team have always understood the risks involved but this is desperately sad news. I hope and pray Virgin and Scaled Composites can regroup and move forward as soon as possible.

Really saddened to hear of the death of one of the test pilots flying Virgin Galactics SpaceShip2 which suffered a catastrophic system failure over the Mojave desert today. I was ironically in the air in a heli relatively nearby at the time. It has been a real honour to work with Virgin Galactic on this space programme, the team have always understood the risks involved but this is desperately sad news. I hope and pray Virgin and Scaled Composites can regroup and move forward as soon as possible.

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